Why a teleseminar or webinar?
If you want to give a presentation to a group of people you can hire a room somewhere in the country and invite people to come over there. This is expensive and cumbersome: a location must be found, everyone has to travel and probably loses a full working day to participate. Another possibility is to reach your audience by mail or e-mail. This is less expensive but also much more indirect because of the lack of personal contact. It is even uncertain whether the addressee reads and understands your message. A teleseminar or webinar is the perfect alternative: you reach a large group of people in a simple personal and affordable manner.
Teleseminar: a seminar by phone
With a teleseminar you give a presentation to a group of people by phone. The participants can, if you allow them to, ask questions directly or take part in discussions. But you can also mute their microphone and save questions until the end of session. Because a teleseminar is audio only, participants focus fully on your story. Participating a teleseminar is easy and straightforward: only a phone is required.
More about teleseminars.
Webinar: teleseminar with graphics
Sometimes images are desired or required for your lecture. Think of slides or the image from your webcam. Because the distribution of the images takes place via the Internet we speak of a "webinar": a web-based seminar.
More about webinars.